Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Winding down

Sadly Summer is nearing an end. We have had quite the time. My sister will be moving in with us in a week and a half, and we are greatly looking forward to that. Roslyn's Birthday is today and we had her party on Saturday; she had so much fun! She is a big girl now at the age of 3 and of course wants to do everything herself, as long as Mommy doesn't go to far.

We took our first trip to Wild Waters and it was a learning experience for both Ros and I. My family, including the little ones, were all going down the big slides when we got there. I just assumed that Roslyn would love it as much as they seemed to. Now, here's where the problem starts. I had never been to a water park before and really never a water slide. I put Ros in front of me and headed down the beginner slide. My sweet little girl begins to scream with terror as I try to hold on to her and tell her it's fun. We come around one of the corners and there is a woman stalled in the middle of the slide (obviously the girl working at the top wasn't doing her job). I managed to get go one side of her, but in the process Ros was scraped from my lap and was now going down the slide behind me and on her belly. As she was screaming at the top of her lungs, I managed to get her back in place in my lap. We came around the last corner and hit the water where I held her out of the water as best I could while we both found our footing. As I tried to comfort my poor baby, after her tramatic experience, she says " I don't want to do that again" and I agreed. We stayed there for the rst of the day and we worked through some trust issues that she was harboring. In the end we had a great time and lots of fun!

We also went to Silverwood, which wasn't nearly as damaging, at least for Roslyn. Travis, Chris, and I went on the New Roller coaster that they have, Aftershock. I absolutely love roller coasters, but this one scared the livin' poop out of me! It took me a long time to recover and left me wondering if I am getting too old for Rollercoasters. It effected Trav and my brother the same way, and left us all happy to be alive!

So far it's been a great summer, I guess I should mention that Travis was only laid off for a month, but even that short time sucked! Everything is getting back on track and we are all doing the best we can.


Holly said...

I remember those days=( Great to hear that Travis is back to work!! Aaron started back this week he's gone from 7-7 lots of fun. Keep in touch we enjoy hearing about your family.

Holly said...

debbie you must of really wound down cause we havent heard from ya all for forever. Are ya still there?????????????