Monday, March 21, 2011

Tired of the Whining

I blame the time of year, or maybe global warming. Grown adults are walking around whining about anything and everything, from weight loss to rain. Did the disaster in Japan give them no perspective? I guess not. I will stop whining right now about them and go count my many blessings :)
On another note, everything here is going very well, uneventful, but well. Travis studying hard for his securities license and working his tail off at his full time job and Primerica. In fact we are going to Atlanta in Mid-June for a Primerica conference. I'm very proud of him!
Roslyn is excited about life, between Pre-school and gymnastics she has become a real go-getter. Not to mention that she is also growing more independent and more sassy everyday. I would not trade her for the world, she's amazing just the way she is!
I will be attending Girls Camp this year as Camp Director. I don't know yet if I am excited about this, but everyone else seems very excited for me. I am a little relieved that I am no longer a nursery leader, even though I had a lot of fun with the kids, it's nice to be doing something different. My family has had a lot of ups and downs in the past few months, some great ( my little sister got remarried) some horrible (my little brother went to jail). Hopefully we will have many more highs in the coming months. My father just retired and my cousin is getting remarried, so those are both super great.
I will continue to count my blessings and try to find the bright side. Here's hoping those whiners follow my example and get a life :)