Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poo-poo weather

What to do when the weather won't co-operate, this is every mothers question. Cabin Fever is a common problem for those of us with little children. The Tysz family answer is Gymnastics and Pre-PreSchool. Roslyn started Gymnastics about 6 weeks ago and is totally in love with it! She is also taking part in, something we like to call, Pre-Preschool every Friday morning. A lady from church who teaches preschool offered to have a class for the littel children that don't get out as much. Roslyn is turning into quite the social butterfly.

As for us old folks, Travis fractured his Tibia and tore his ACL after a fall at work (Awesome)! He finds that his leg brace and crutches are a hinderance, Duh!

I started a part time job teaching Safe-Sitter classes at the Hospital. It's only 2 days a month, but it gives me a little extra money and something different to do. I really like it!

We stiil have our roomates and it looks like they will be staying on a bit longer (ha-ha-ha)!